cat on bookHi, welcome to Stella's Weekly magazine, a magazine that everyone build together, do you want to host an edishun?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Welcome to the first edition

This is the firrrst edishun of my new magazine, I wrote the articles this week, but now you have to help me with it
Marry go roundYou will submit yer post to blog carnival heer, sending it according to the categories at left, and then you repurrt the articles

Every week we will gave to the best artikle an award

I hope this can be the best magazine CB has ever seen


Friday, May 23, 2008

Does anyone wants to host?

We need host for the future, so the first link will be in the third edition and vice versa

Thanks for hosting the Stellaluna's Weekly Magazine :D
Note: if linkies doesn't werk, you can comment anyway